
While classical yoga prioritizes breathing exercises, flexibility, and relaxation, Ashtanga yoga forms the strength of mind and body.
To reach the main goal - Samadhi (complete balance, spiritual perfection) - you will have to go through eight difficult stages.

Bikram Hot Yoga
Bikram Hot Yoga

Bikram yoga, better known as hot yoga, came to us, as well as the traditional version, from India.
The peculiarity of such workouts is that all exercises are performed in a room heated up to 40C degrees Celsius, because of which hot yoga has a number of contraindications.


Hatha yoga is "power yoga", because when you do certain asanas, you have to apply strength, both physical and mental.
And the main idea of hatha yoga is to develop flexibility in the body. And doing each asana directly affects certain organs of the body.

Vinyasa Flow
Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a freestyle of Hatha Yoga, which combines the fluidity of movement with conscious breathing.
This style treats each asana as a pearl strung on a thread of breath, which sets the dynamic transitions to a rhythm of smooth "flowing in" without long retention of statics.